Why It’s Important to Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Almost everyone loves to spend time outside. It’s a great way to get exercise, reduce stress, and take in some vitamin D. However, it’s also important to practice proper safety when spending lots of time outdoors in the summer heat. Studies show that the majority of skin cancer is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet light by the sun. Ultraviolet rays are a type of radiation, and if you aren’t using sunscreen, the only protection you have from it is the earth’s atmosphere.

It’s even possible for the sun’s harmful UV rays to reach your skin during cooler times of the year, even on a cool, cloudy day. The radiation can even be intensified by bounding off reflective surfaces like snow, water, and sand. There are several ways to keep yourself protected while still enjoying life out in the Sun. Some of these are passive ways to stay protected, and some of them take actual effort and awareness. Here’s how to protect yourself from sun damage while spending time outside this summer.


Being aware of shade is a great way to stay cool and protect yourself from the sun’s rays. Shade is all around us, and you can even bring your own shade in the form of an umbrella during beach or park trips. Keeping yourself shaded is a great way to reduce exposure to the sun’s radiation – and to cool off so you don’t overheat.


Paying attention to the clothing you wear is a great way to combat ultraviolet rays too. For example, wearing a skirt instead of shorts is a great way to provide your legs with protection while still remaining cool and comfortable. Dark colors are also a great way to give yourself an added layer of protection against the sun, but they can attract heat . If you want lighter clothing that will still provide protection, then look into specialized UV-protective clothing. Finally, wearing a hat will protect your face, back, and neck area from the Sun’s rays.


Ultraviolet radiation doesn’t only pose a danger for your skin – it can also be detrimental to your eyes. Wearing sunglasses during a bright day isn’t just a way to increase comfort; it can also protect you. The most protective sunglasses are the kind that wrap around the temples of the head. They prevent light from coming in from the sides as well as from the front.


A broad-spectrum sunscreen is probably the best way to protect yourself from the Sun. A good sunscreen will block both UVA and UVB rays. An SPF, or sun protection factor, of 30 or higher is recommended for extended exposure to the sun. Make sure to also apply it at least 30 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours for best protection.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re concerned about skin cancer or looking for ways to protect your skin, schedule an appointment with Dr. David Baird and our team. You can contact us by calling or filling out our online form.

Posted on June 20, 2022 by:

Almost everyone loves to spend time outside. It’s a great way to get exercise, reduce stress, and take in some vitamin D. However, it’s also important to practice proper safety when spending lots of time outdoors in the summer heat. Studies show that the majority of skin cancer is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet light

Things to Know Before Pulsed Dye Laser Treatment

If you are considering pulsed dye laser treatment to improve the appearance of your skin, there are a few things you should know before making your decision. This type of laser treatment is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures available, and it can be very effective in treating a variety of skin conditions. However, the procedure has some risks, so it is important to weigh the pros and cons before moving forward. This blog post will discuss the basics of pulsed dye laser treatment and outline some of the potential risks and benefits involved. Here are things to know before pulsed dye laser treatment.

Treatment Should Not Damage Surrounding Tissue

One of the biggest concerns people have about this type of laser treatment is whether or not it will damage the surrounding tissue. It is important to know that the pulses of light used in pulsed dye laser therapy are very precise and can be tailored to specific areas of the skin. This means that the treatment should not cause any damage to the surrounding tissue.

Treatment Requires One to Four Pulsed Dye Laser Sessions

Most people require one to four pulsed dye laser sessions to achieve the desired results. It is important to note that the number of sessions required may vary depending on the treated condition. The sessions should be spaced out evenly, about two weeks between each one.

Some Risks Are Involved

As with any medical treatment, there are some risks associated with pulsed dye laser therapy. Some of the potential risks include:

  • Scarring
  • Pigmentation changes
  • Infection

These risks should be weighed against the potential benefits of the treatment before deciding. If the risks involved are too high, you may consider other options. Most risks occur when patients are not suitable candidates or do not follow their provider’s instructions following the treatment.

The Results Are Not Instantaneous

Unlike some other cosmetic procedures, pulsed dye laser treatment results are not instantaneous. It may take several weeks or even months for the full effects of the treatment to be visible. After the procedure, the areas treated will likely be red and swollen. This is normal and should subside within a few days.

Pulsed Dye Laser Treatment Reduces Redness

One of the main benefits of pulsed dye laser treatment is that it can reduce the appearance of redness and veins. The pulses of light work to constrict the blood vessels, which can help to improve the appearance of the skin. This implies that pulsed dye laser treatment is a good option for people with rosacea or spider veins. It is important to consult with a dermatologist to see if this treatment is right for you.

Swelling and Scabbing May Occur

After the pulsed dye laser treatment, you may experience swelling and scabbing. This happens because the laser causes a minor injury to the skin. This is normal and should go away within a few days. You can minimize the swelling and discomfort by using a cold compress on the treated area. If the swelling or scabbing persists for more than a week, you may want to contact your dermatologist.

Schedule a Consultation

If you consider pulsed dye laser treatment, schedule a consultation with Dr. David Baird to discuss your options. Dr. Baird is a board-certified dermatologist with extensive experience in this type of treatment. He will be able to assess your skin condition and recommend the best course of treatment for you. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation.

Posted on May 10, 2022 by:

If you are considering pulsed dye laser treatment to improve the appearance of your skin, there are a few things you should know before making your decision. This type of laser treatment is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures available, and it can be very effective in treating a variety of skin conditions. However,

Fight Aging and Wrinkles with IPL

Are you bothered by signs of aging or other skin concerns, but don’t know which treatment can help? Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments emit high-intensity light pulses to reduce wrinkles and prevent skin damage for a more youthful-looking you! Not only is it a treatment worth thinking about if you are trying to fight back against aging, but studies have found that IPL is also effective is treating acne.

IPL treatments can be a great choice for anyone who is looking to combat the aging effects of sun exposure, as well as hyperpigmentation, vascular lesions, and acne. Here are some ways that IPL can benefit you!

Intense Pulsed Light for Acne Removal

IPL treatments have been helping people with the pain, redness, and swelling that can come along with acne. Studies have shown that this treatment works well for those who have mild to moderate acne issues. The unique wavelengths of light that are used during this treatment target bacteria in the skin to clear away unwanted pimples and blackhead for a clear complexion.

Intense Pulsed Light Laser Treatment Can Help Fight Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is the darkening of skin in certain areas, and can occur due to sun damage, acne scars, and even hormonal fluctuations. IPL treatments can target the melanin in the skin’s surface using several wavelengths of pulsating light. These lights destroy the melanin, helping to even out your skin tone.

Intense Pulsed Light Laser Treatment Can Help with Wrinkles

Throughout our lives, our skin is subjected to the sun’s UV rays, the elements, genetic changes, and more, which can all result in lines and wrinkles. IPL uses light pulses to heat the tissues under the skin, stimulating collagen production. Collagen is a vital tool in helping the skin look and feel smooth and even for a more youthful appearance.

Intense Pulsed Light Laser Treatment for Vascular Lesions

IPL is also a fantastic solution for eliminating spider and thread veins, as well as some vascular birthmarks. It works by emitting light pulses which target the red pigment in the blood, destroying the pigment without harming other skin tissues. This results in a more even skin tone without unwanted ruddiness.

Contact Us

Overall, IPL is a great choice for treating acne scars, wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, and more to help you achieve the youthful, even complexion you desire. If you are interested in learning more, contact us to book an appointment with Dr. David Baird today.

Posted on March 7, 2022 by:

Are you bothered by signs of aging or other skin concerns, but don’t know which treatment can help? Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments emit high-intensity light pulses to reduce wrinkles and prevent skin damage for a more youthful-looking you! Not only is it a treatment worth thinking about if you are trying to fight back

Rejuvenate Your Skin Without Surgery with Morpheus 8

Morpheus 8 is a type of microneedling equipment that uses radiofrequency energy for remodeling and contouring the face and body through subdermal adipose restoration. This minimally invasive treatment will penetrate deep into your skin and fat to give you a smooth and sleek appearance. In addition, the treatment achieves superior skin tightening and lifting through the restoration of natural collagen and elastin. If you want to transform the aging face of your body into a smoother and more contour appearance, then Morpheus 8 is your go-to treatment.

Key Benefits of Morpheus 8

Morpheus 8 can deliver a deep fractional treatment that penetrates the subdermal tissue up to about 8mm. With the Dual Handpieces, the patient gets increased treatment functionality. Morpheous8 works well for smaller treatment areas and for large and deep tissue treatments.

Morpheus 8 is a non-invasive and pain-free treatment, unlike facial surgery, and very few patients experience tenderness after the treatment. Although you may show signs of swelling and bruising on the treatment areas, the problem disappears on its own, especially if you place ice on the treatment area and take enough rest.

Most people experience nominal downtime and return to their regular lives immediately after the treatment. A session may last about one hour to one and a half hours, and you may only need to do a repeat about one to three times per year. If you have a busy life, Morpheus 8 will be perfect for you to achieve glowing skin on the go.

How Does Morpheus 8 Work?

Morpheus 8 introduces radiofrequency technology and gently heats the facial skin after creating micro-lesions to help rejuvenate and resurface connective tissues. After heating it to 42 to 43 degrees Celsius, the structural protein in the connective tissues known as collagen breaks down. This collagen, which is broken down during the treatment, reforms. This causes your connective tissues to get tighter and firmer over about six weeks. In addition, the treatment lifts the face and adds volume to all hollow areas.

Morpheus 8 can be combined with AccuTite to achieve more skin tightening and contouring around your neck. AccuTite is a lower face subcutaneous radiofrequency treatment. Combining these two treatments will give you better results than when either of them is used independently. Although you will notice the results immediately, it may take at least three treatment sessions done after every four weeks for optimum rejuvenation.

What Areas Can Be Treated with Morpheus 8?

Morpheus 8 treats any area that will benefit from sub-dermal renewal. Any area of the face and body that experiences wrinkling, discoloration, and acne scarring is suitable for the treatment. Morpheus 8 is most commonly used to treat the face, neck, and abdomen, which helps tighten loose skin with the underlying fat tissue. Morpheus 8 can be used on any skin type, including darker skin tones.

Schedule a Consultation

If you have any queries or need help to reduce the look of wrinkles and acne scarring with Dr. David A. Baird, you can reach out to us. Fill out the contact form and schedule an initial consultation with our office today.

Posted on March 1, 2022 by:

Morpheus 8 is a type of microneedling equipment that uses radiofrequency energy for remodeling and contouring the face and body through subdermal adipose restoration. This minimally invasive treatment will penetrate deep into your skin and fat to give you a smooth and sleek appearance. In addition, the treatment achieves superior skin tightening and lifting through

4 Reasons Why Winter is a Great Time for Laser Treatments

Winter is a great time for laser treatments. Intense pulsed light, or IPL, is one of the most popular treatment choices during the winter months. If you’ve been considering your options for laser treatments, then now is the best time to begin your treatment package. Here’s what to know about it and why the winter months are the best time to start.

1. Your Summer Tan Has Had a Chance to Fade

Laser treatments like IPL work by targeting pigment in the skin. If your skin is darker, it can be more difficult for the laser energy to reach the correct area or to be adjusted to the correct level. Many people head to tanning beds in the summer months or apply spray tans to achieve a golden glow. These practices encourage skin pigmentation and cell damage that can cause future problems such as premature skin aging, age spots, wrinkles, and even cancer. During winter, skin pigmentation can fade, resulting in a much more effective laser treatment.

2. Your Skin Will be Less Exposed to UV Rays

The sun’s UV rays are strongest from April to October, so sun damage can be a real problem during the summer months. During cloudier months, your skin has less exposure to harmful UV rays. After laser treatment, it’s extremely important to avoid UV exposure since your skin will be extra photosensitive. Because weather can work to your advantage during the winter months, it can be much easier to avoid exposure to UV rays and avoid them altogether after treatment.

3. Winter Layers Provide the Protection You Need

Winter can be cold and dreary in Michigan, meaning you can cover up any signs of laser treatment with a warm coat or scarf. This usually includes some minor redness and irritation, similar to a sunburn. Winter clothing also provides some insulation against cold weather, which is particularly beneficial for patients undergoing laser treatments. Make sure to limit your time in hot showers or baths after treatment, however.

4. You’ll Thank Yourself for Thinking Ahead

Laser treatments often require a package of treatments for best results, so it’s best to get started now if you want to achieve your ideal results by summer. Additionally, you won’t need to worry about visible redness or irritation when you opt for treatment during winter, since you’ll likely be enjoying your favorite leggings rather than your favorite beach. With some time and patience, you can set yourself up for your best summer yet.

Schedule a Consultation

Laser treatments like IPL can be a great way to boost your confidence. To meet with Dr. David Baird and our laser team, we invite you to contact our Farmington office by calling or filling out our online form.

Posted on February 17, 2022 by:

Winter is a great time for laser treatments. Intense pulsed light, or IPL, is one of the most popular treatment choices during the winter months. If you’ve been considering your options for laser treatments, then now is the best time to begin your treatment package. Here’s what to know about it and why the winter

Light Therapy for Skin Care: What is IPL and What Does it Do?

Light therapy is a type of skincare that uses light energy to improve the appearance of your skin. Physicians use it for acne, wrinkles, age spots, and more. Here is a breakdown of what IPL stands for and how it works.

What is IPL?

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. This type of treatment uses light energy to penetrate the skin, stimulate collagen production, and reduce inflammation in your skin’s tissue. It is generally used on brown spots, age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scarring.

In most cases, you will receive multiple treatments for optimal results. You can also receive IPL with other skincare treatments such as prescription creams and chemical peels to give you better overall results.

What IPL Does?

Once the light enters your skin, it will activate a process called photothermolysis. This is where the pigment absorbs heat energy from the light source into your skin’s tissue. The heat destroys the pigment and reduces its appearance on your face or body.

IPL can also reduce inflammation, which makes this treatment suitable for acne-related skincare. It can also reduce the appearance of broken capillaries on your face or body caused by rosacea.

The Difference between IPL and Laser Therapy

There is a lot of confusion about the difference between light therapy and laser therapy. While these treatments both use pulsed lights to penetrate your skin, they are not lasers.

Lasers emit one wavelength of energy that can only be absorbed by specific targets in your body tissue, such as pigment or oil glands, which may cause problems like acne scars. IPL uses multiple wavelengths of light that allow the energy to be absorbed by different targets in your skin’s tissue.

Lasers can only treat certain areas where IPL treatment cannot, such as near your eyes or lips. Therefore, you will need to have more laser treatments to get coverage of the whole face and body. Conversely, light therapy can treat many areas such as your entire face and neck, chest, and hands at once. Thus, IPL allows faster treatment.

Is IPL Safe?

The FDA approved light therapy as a safe treatment for skincare issues in 2002. It has been proven effective without any risk of cancer or other serious side effects associated with laser therapies. You can receive this treatment on your own or with other skin care treatments, and it will not cause any harm to you.

IPL is a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of brown spots, fine lines and wrinkles, and acne scars without causing pain or side effects caused by laser therapies. The only real issue that may prevent someone from receiving this treatment is whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding at the time.

How To Prepare for IPL

You can prepare for your IPL treatment by wearing sunscreen on the day of your appointment to protect against sun damage. It would be best if you avoided tanning or self-tanners at least two weeks before receiving treatment.

When it comes down to skincare, many different tools can help you improve the way your pores look and feel. IPL is one of these options, but it may not be available everywhere. Therefore, ask about availability before making an appointment with a clinic for this treatment.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, or acne scars on your face, body, or hands, schedule an appointment with Dr. David A. Baird, MD. Our board-certified dermatologist Dr. David A. Baird, MD, will handle your concerns with utmost care. Feel free to fill out an online contact form to begin the process.

Posted on February 17, 2022 by:

Light therapy is a type of skincare that uses light energy to improve the appearance of your skin. Physicians use it for acne, wrinkles, age spots, and more. Here is a breakdown of what IPL stands for and how it works. What is IPL? IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. This type of treatment uses

Why You Should See A Private Practice Dermatologist

Although it’s a question not many people think to ask when seeking a dermatologist for medical or cosmetic treatment, it’s worth knowing whether the practice is independently owned and operated or if other players, such as hospitals and private equity, are involved.

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. David Baird is the owner, proprietor, and physician of Baird, MD, which allows him to provide the highest level of care and commitment to his patients.

What is a Private Practice Dermatologist?

A private practice, whether in dermatology or some other field of medicine, is one that is owned and operated by the doctor who is practicing there. This is different than practices that are run by hospital systems, which set prices, dictate which procedures can be performed and when, how much money the practice needs to make, and the list goes on.

In a private practice, the doctor answers to no one except the medical doctor owners and their chosen business partners, if any. They make the decisions on what equipment to invest in, what procedures they offer, and how patients are cared for.

What is Private Equity?

Private equity is business, groups of people, or individuals who buy healthcare practices in order to make a profit. When physicians are bought by private equity or large hospitals, they lose control of their decisions, which are now controlled by policies, profit margins, and business leaders, rather than medical professionals.

Why Does Independence Matter?

Dr. Baird values independence because it’s simply the best model for patient care. When controlled by external stakeholders, doctors may be incentivized to offer procedures that aren’t in patients’ best interest because of these restrictions and profit incentives, which leads to a breakdown in quality of care. Due to the rise of privately owned practices in the last decade, dermatologic care has changed significantly, negatively impacting patient care.

Valuing profits over quality medical care has a two-fold effect. First, pressure to reduce costs means that patients are more often seen by lower hourly rate technicians like physician assistants and nurse practitioners, rather than the doctor. On the other hand, attention on profit margins may make a doctor prescribe a more expensive or lucrative procedure or treatment rather than the economical one. This costs insurers and patients more money and runs the risk of under-qualified employees performing unnecessary procedures.

How To Find Out if A Practice is Privately Owned

If you do a little research, you can quickly find out if a firm is privately owned by digging around on their website. Often, independent providers will advertise they’re not owned by private equity, whereas private equity may be less willing to reveal that information. Check if the dermatologist is associated with any other large practices that may also be owned by the investors or hospital and read reviews to see if other patients have ever been seen by the doctor or if they’ve only ever seen PAs.

Experience the Independent Difference

Dr. Baird knows that independence increases trust between him and his patients. When you visit our Farmington office, you can be assured that the care you receive is what’s best for you, not what’s best for investors. Whether you’ve got a medical concern or are looking for a highly trained cosmetic dermatologist, Dr. Baird is here to help. Get started by calling our office or contacting us online today.

Posted on November 1, 2021 by:

Although it’s a question not many people think to ask when seeking a dermatologist for medical or cosmetic treatment, it’s worth knowing whether the practice is independently owned and operated or if other players, such as hospitals and private equity, are involved. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. David Baird is the owner, proprietor, and physician of Baird,

Can A Dermatologist Treat Skin Cancer?

The incidences of skin cancer are rising, with an estimated 5.4 million squamous and basal cell carcinomas diagnosed each year. If you discover a spot on your skin, it is important to see your dermatologist right away. Most skin cancer is highly treatable, especially if caught early.

How Do Dermatologists Diagnose Skin Cancer?

A skin biopsy is the only way to determine if skin cancer is present in a patient. After an examination, the dermatologist will pinpoint any areas of concern. The dermatologist will numb the area and will remove a portion or all of the spot and some surrounding tissue.

The sample of skin is sent to a dermatopathologist. These medical professionals use high-powered microscopes to view the skin sample and look for cancerous cells. The most commonly found skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma.

The pathologist’s report is essential for treating skin cancer. This report will detail the type of cancer cells that were found so the dermatologist can begin treatment.

How Is Skin Cancer Treated?

Skin cancer is treated in multiple ways, depending on the type and severity. Sometimes, when skin cancer is found in its earliest stages, the initial removal for biopsy is all that is required to effectively get rid of the condition. Often, further treatment is necessary.

There are three types of surgical removal used by dermatologists to treat skin cancer. Your dermatologist will recommend the best form of surgery to ensure all the cancer cells are removed in their entirety.


During this surgical procedure, the area is numbed and the doctor removes the cancerous tissue, along with some surrounding healthy tissue. Removing the healthy tissue helps to ensure cancer will not grow back.


Mohs surgery is preferred when the area being treated is important for a person’s appearance, such as around the eye or elsewhere on the face. This procedure takes a layer of skin off at a time and examines it. More skin tissue is removed until the microscope no longer shows cancerous cells. This procedure helps to ensure only the required cancerous tissues are removed safely.

Curettage & Electrodessication

During curettage and electrodessication, the skin cancer area is first scraped, to remove as much of the damaged skin as possible. Then, the dermatologist uses electrodesiccation to destroy any cancer cells that may remain in the area.

Patients may also be treated with photodynamic therapy, which makes their skin cells sensitive to light. Special lights are used to destroy the cancer cells without invasive surgical procedures.

Schedule a Consultation

Are you concerned about a mole, sore, or skin spot? If so, board-certified dermatologist Dr. David Baird is here to provide a thorough examination and biopsy services.

Our comprehensive skin cancer detection and treatment services encompass the care that is necessary for all types of skin cancer. We will be with you every step of the way and offer routine skin examinations to give you peace of mind. Call or fill out our online contact form today to schedule your consultation appointment with Dr. Baird. We are here when you need us most.

Posted on September 9, 2021 by:

The incidences of skin cancer are rising, with an estimated 5.4 million squamous and basal cell carcinomas diagnosed each year. If you discover a spot on your skin, it is important to see your dermatologist right away. Most skin cancer is highly treatable, especially if caught early. How Do Dermatologists Diagnose Skin Cancer? A skin

5 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Laser Hair Removal

It’s not uncommon for people to have unwanted hair on various parts of the body or face. Unfortunately, shaving this hair doesn’t produce the smooth, blemish-free, and long-lasting results that most people want. For silky skin that’s soft to the touch, laser hair removal is often the best solution. These treatments target hair follicles directly so that unwanted hair is eliminated right at its source. Not only is laser hair removal unlikely to lead to thick, spiky stubble and hair bumps, but it also produces long-lasting results. However, before giving this effective and virtually painless procedure a try, here are five important things that you should do to get ready.

1. Stick to Shaving

When choosing any new hair removal procedure, it’s important to adjust your normal grooming routine to ensure optimum treatment results. For instance, when waxing is your chosen method, you’ll want the targeted hairs to have a certain amount of length. With laser hair removal, waxing, plucking, threading, or “sugaring” the treatment area should be avoided at all costs. These hair removal methods are rough on the skin, and they can decrease the overall effectiveness of your laser treatment. Instead, stick to shaving for several days or weeks before your appointment. This will allow you to maintain a well-groomed look without preventing you from reaching your cosmetic goals.

2. Get Ready for Multiple Laser Hair Removal Sessions

During laser hair removal procedures, targeted pulses of laser light gradually destroy individual hair follicles. This makes these structures increasingly less able to produce new and healthy strands of hair. However, it’s important to note that laser hair removal is never a one-off treatment. It takes multiple sessions for most people to obtain the totally hairless looks they want. With each session, all new hairs across the treatment area will appear progressively finer and lighter. Although laser hair removal can result in the permanent removal of all unwanted hair for some people, for others, multiple sessions will lead to the semi-permanent to permanent reduction of unwanted hairs instead.

Factors Affecting the Success of Your Laser Hair Removal Procedures

There are a number of factors that will determine how successful your treatments are at producing permanent and total removal of unwanted hairs. These same factors will also determine the number of sessions required. For instance, people with lighter skin tones and light-colored hairs often require more sessions than do people with darker complexions and dark-colored hairs. This is because the laser targets pigment within the hair follicles. For most clients, approximately 80 percent of the targeted hair follicles will be completely destroyed after several sessions.

3. Avoid Using Depilatory Creams and Other Topical Products

Just as you shouldn’t wax or pluck the targeted area ahead of any laser hair removal session, you also want to avoid topically applying any depilatory creams. It’s also a good idea to stay away from lotions and other moisturizers just ahead of treatment. These products may have ingredients that interact negatively with the laser. Using them could increase your risks of skin irritation, pigmentation issues, or even injury.

4. Find Out About Aftereffects and Aftercare

Before your very first session, it’s a good idea to learn more about laser hair removal, its likely aftereffects, and the recommended forms of aftercare. Taking the time to research these things will eliminate the fear of the unknown, and make you more relaxed and comfortable. Some people experience mild irritation and swelling after their procedures. These developments are normal, and they’re capable of resolving on their own. If your skin feels especially uncomfortable after treatment, gently applying a warm or cold compress can help. Dr. Baird will have both aftercare instructions and tips on how to alleviate any aftereffects you experience.

5. Limit Sun Exposure

Although your unwanted hairs may be aesthetically unpleasing, this doesn’t mean that they don’t serve a purpose. These hairs help keep your skin protected from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Using laser treatment to eliminate them will make your skin more vulnerable to sun damage. Thus, after your treatment is complete, you may be advised to limit sun exposure, and to always apply a quality sunblock before going out.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. David A. Baird has extensive experience in performing successful laser hair removal treatments. When working with Dr. Baird, you can look forward to a virtually painless procedure and one that helps you meet your cosmetic goals. To find out more about having laser hair removal performed in Farmington, MI, call or schedule a consultation appointment today.

Posted on August 10, 2021 by:

It’s not uncommon for people to have unwanted hair on various parts of the body or face. Unfortunately, shaving this hair doesn’t produce the smooth, blemish-free, and long-lasting results that most people want. For silky skin that’s soft to the touch, laser hair removal is often the best solution. These treatments target hair follicles directly

Get Glowing Skin with Morpheus 8

Aging skin can drastically decrease an individual’s comfort and self-confidence as they get older. Naturally decreasing skin laxity will also lead to the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes and mouth. With newly developed, cutting-edge technology to treat premature aging and acne scarring, patients no longer have to undergo facial plastic surgery to combat the effects of ageing. Now you can have younger, more vibrant skin with the safe and effective treatment Morpheus 8, provided by Dr. David A. Baird, M.D.

Morpheus 8 Technology

Morpheus 8 is the revolutionary application of radiofrequency and microneedling that focuses on the harder-to-reach layers of the skin. This process boosts the skin’s collagen production and tightens the skin to create a more youthful, healthy appearance. Morpheus 8 can be utilized anywhere on the body to remodel the subdermal fat, including the abdomen, neck, and face.

Long-term Benefits

Morpheus 8 is mostly pain-free and minimally invasive, unlike plastic surgery, with only a few patients experiencing tenderness after their treatment. Patients may show signs of swelling or bruising along the treated areas and are encouraged to use ice the area and rest.

For many, there is nominal downtime, with most patients immediately returning to their regular lives. With sessions that last about an hour to an hour and a half that only need to be repeated about one to three times a year, Morpheus 8 is perfect for those with busy lives who want glowing skin on the go.

Good Candidates for Morpheus 8

The application of Morpheus 8 can target many issues, including neck jowls, frown lines, wrinkles, and bags under the eyes. Anyone experiencing noticeable signs of aging or acne scars can benefit from treatment.

Most patients are between 30 to 55 years old. Morpheus 8 can be used on all skin tones and types, with darker skin tones having a slight risk of hyperpigmentation. Morpheus 8 is able to permanently boost the skin, stimulating collagen production in treated areas, but it cannot stop the overall aging process.

Morpheus 8 Results

Up to three sessions of Morpheus 8 are needed at a time to get the best results, depending on the patient’s specific concerns and treatment plan. Visible results can begin to appear in as little as a few days, but it is projected that final results will not begin to appear for at least three weeks.

Patients who have gotten Morpheus 8 treatments often see their results diminishing after a year. It is recommended to schedule another appointment at this time to continue to experience the many benefits of boosted collagen production and skin laxity.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in treating your aging skin or acne scarring, visit the Farmington Dermatology website and request an appointment today. On the site, you will also be able to find patient forms and testimonials from previously satisfied patients of Dr. Baird. Contact Dr. Baird by filling out the online contact form today to schedule an initial consultation to start the journey to find a better, more healthy-looking you.

Posted on July 20, 2021 by:

Aging skin can drastically decrease an individual’s comfort and self-confidence as they get older. Naturally decreasing skin laxity will also lead to the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes and mouth. With newly developed, cutting-edge technology to treat premature aging and acne scarring, patients no longer have to undergo facial plastic surgery

In the Media

Recent Recognition About Dr. Baird

Dr. David Baird is a board-certified dermatologist with decades of experience. He likes to take the time to share his expertise when given the opportunity. Here are a few of those “In the Media” moments.