What Is Dehydrated Skin And How Do I Treat It?

Dry, cracked, flaking– dehydrated skin is as unpleasant as it sounds. If you are suffering from this condition, your skin is more than just a little dry: it’s depleted of water, making it look and feel parched and wrinkled. To protect your skin, you need to recognize the signs of dehydrated skin and learn how

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Dilated Capillaries?

Dilated capillaries are small veins that have become enlarged for any number of reasons and can be seen through the skin. You usually see them as red or purple lines on your face, legs, and other areas. While they are harmless,  dilated capillaries can be bothersome and cause many people to feel self-conscious about their

Why Winter is the Best Time to Schedule Your Botox Appointment

Winter is an unforgiving season when it comes to the skin, and your face is the first to get dry and flaky. However, you do not have to suffer bad skin any longer. Winter is the perfect time to schedule your regular Botox appointment– below are five reasons why winter is ideal for getting rid

4 Signs Your Face Might Be Ready For A Chemical Peel

A chemical peel resurfaces your skin and gives you a fresh, rejuvenated look, and with different types of peels, you are guaranteed to achieve the exact results you’re looking for. Some are mild and only remove the very top layer of dead skin cells, while others remove more layers and require a recovery period while

How Can Psoriasis Be Diagnosed?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune, inflammatory skin disease that can also affect the joints. When this happens, it’s called psoriatic arthritis. Joints become painful and stiff, and there may be visible redness and swelling over the affected area. An autoimmune disease is one that causes the body’s immune system to attack its own healthy tissue. The

5 Things I’d Never Do To My Skin

Dr. David Baird was recently cited in a blog posted on the “MI Blues Perspectives” website. In this blog, they discuss the things to avoid when it comes to your skincare.

Are These Social Trends Harming Your Skin?

Dr. David Baird appears as a guest on “A Healthier Michigan Podcast” where he and host Chuck Gaidica, discuss skincare trends, their alleged benefits, and the potential safety concerns. In this episode, they dive into the basics of a good skincare routine, why skincare hacks can be so tempting, various skincare trends, and general skincare

9 Tips To Speed Up Your Botox Recovery Process

Are you worried you’re aging too fast and losing your natural beauty? Worry no more because Botox is here to help you regain that smoother, more youthful skin you’re looking for. Botox is a very popular and minimally-invasive cosmetic treatment designed to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It involves injecting a purified toxin into the

5 Tips To Prepare You For Your Laser Hair Reduction

Are you tired of dealing with unwanted hair and looking for a long-lasting solution? Laser hair reduction might be the answer you’ve been searching for. This innovative procedure offers a convenient and effective way to achieve smooth, hair-free skin. However, it’s crucial to prepare properly to make the most of your laser hair reduction experience.

In the Media

Recent Recognition About Dr. Baird

Dr. David Baird is a board-certified dermatologist with decades of experience. He likes to take the time to share his expertise when given the opportunity. Here are a few of those “In the Media” moments.