Eczema Treatments in Northville, MI

Eczema isn’t just an annoying physical condition but can also affect a person’s lifestyle and habits with its facetious flareups. Whether you know what causes the redness, itching, sensitivity, or dry skin or not, eczema can have a serious impact on what you wear, what you do, and when you do it. Fortunately, Dr. David

Eczema Treatments in Birmingham Michigan

Eczema causes inflammation, irritation, redness, and dry skin that can affect not only the look and feel of your skin, but also impact your self-esteem or confidence in wearing certain clothes during certain times of the year. If you’re nervous about eczema breakouts that might affect your personal schedule or the enjoyment of some of

Eczema Treatments in West Bloomfield, MI

People suffering from the chronic symptoms of eczema have a board-certified dermatologist who can help them in West Bloomfield: Dr. David Baird. If you’re tired of recurring symptoms of dryness, irritation, inflammation, and redness that prevents you from wearing the clothes you’d like or makes you uncomfortable doing certain activities with friends, it might be

Eczema Treatments in Novi, MI

If you’re struggling with the annoying, recurring symptoms of eczema, you’re not alone. Many people in and near Novi struggle with irritation, inflammation, redness, and dryness that causes them to avoid certain clothes they like or skip out on activities they might otherwise enjoy. Learn more about eczema and your options for getting relief from

How Can I Improve Droopy Eyes at Home?

If you’re experiencing droopy eyes, don’t panic. You can get help for it at home with the right products. This article will explore what acquired ptosis is and how it’s diagnosed and treated. We’ll also discuss the product Upneeq as one of the best treatment options. What Is Acquired Ptosis Usually, there are eye muscles


What is Upneeq? Upneeq is the only FDA-approved prescription eyedrop proven to lift upper eyelids in adults with acquired low-lying lids. The medical term for sagging lids, or ptosis, is blepharoptosis. Droopy eyelids can be caused by aging, genetics, eye surgery, certain medical conditions, and even Botox. Acquired low-lying lids mean that droopy lids develop

Back to School with Clear Skin: Tips for Treating Acne

It’s that time of year again! School is back in session, and you’re already talking about the new things we want to learn. Maybe your mind is also preoccupied with thoughts of how to keep that pesky acne under control. Here are some tips for treating acne naturally so you can focus on what matters:

Finding the Right Alopecia Treatments for You

Alopecia is a condition that is caused by the body’s immune system attacking the hair follicles. It can affect any area of the body, but it primarily affects the scalp, resulting in thinning hair, bald spots, or a receding hairline. Fortunately, there are many treatment options for people experiencing hair loss. The one that’s right

Why It’s Important to Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Almost everyone loves to spend time outside. It’s a great way to get exercise, reduce stress, and take in some vitamin D. However, it’s also important to practice proper safety when spending lots of time outdoors in the summer heat. Studies show that the majority of skin cancer is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet light

Things to Know Before Pulsed Dye Laser Treatment

If you are considering pulsed dye laser treatment to improve the appearance of your skin, there are a few things you should know before making your decision. This type of laser treatment is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures available, and it can be very effective in treating a variety of skin conditions. However,

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL)

For effective and safe IPL treatment, patients can turn to Dr. Baird in Farmington, Michigan. What is Intense Pulsed Light Therapy? Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) is a non-invasive treatment option also known as a photofacial. The treatment is intended to improve the tone and texture of the skin without requiring surgery or other invasive

Fight Aging and Wrinkles with IPL

Are you bothered by signs of aging or other skin concerns, but don’t know which treatment can help? Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments emit high-intensity light pulses to reduce wrinkles and prevent skin damage for a more youthful-looking you! Not only is it a treatment worth thinking about if you are trying to fight back

In the Media

Recent Recognition About Dr. Baird

Dr. David Baird is a board-certified dermatologist with decades of experience. He likes to take the time to share his expertise when given the opportunity. Here are a few of those “In the Media” moments.