A Quick Guide to Botox

Despite our best efforts, our faces are constantly making expressions, causing muscles to move and the skin to stretch and fold. Unfortunately, with time these wrinkles and lines tend to become permanent, making the face look aged and tired. Botox is one of the best non-surgical solutions to these engrained wrinkles and folds, and there can be a lot of misinformation about it, despite its popularity. Here are some of the basics of this popular and effective treatment.
What is Botox?
Botox is an injectable treatment that is classified as a neuromodulator. This means it regulates muscle movements by blocking signals from the brain. It’s an effective medical treatment for many conditions, but it’s most well-known for its cosmetic benefits. When used on forehead lines or crow’s feet, it can effectively relax the muscles that cause wrinkles and lines to regularly appear.
What is treatment like?
Botox comes with a quick and easy treatment session that should always be performed under the supervision of a board certified dermatologist or facial plastic surgeon. The Botox product is injected into specific wrinkle-causing muscles and can last for up to three months. Dr. Baird commonly supplies a topical anesthetic for additional comfort during treatment, and many patients opt for additional skin or filler treatments at the same time as Botox.
How is Botox different from fillers?
Another common class of injectables are dermal fillers, but these serve a different purpose than Botox. Dermal fillers are a substance (usually a natural acid in gel form) that is injected under the skin to restore lost volume. These injectables do not modulate or affect the muscles or surrounding tissues, and are harmlessly absorbed into the body over time. Botox is FDA-approved for cosmetic use on forehead lines and crow’s feet (the upper face), while dermal fillers are commonly approved for use in the mid-face (nasolabial or marionnette lines).
The best way to determine whether Botox and other cosmetic treatments can benefit you is through a consultation with Dr. Baird, who can make a professional recommendation based on your aesthetic goals. To schedule a consultation at our Farmington office, contact our office by calling or filling out our online form.