Meet the Doctor

Education: Graduate Degree Hope College- Bachelor of Science in biology and biochemistry Academic Highlights: Magna Cum Laude graduate Elected Phi Beta Kappa Medical School Wayne State University School of Medicine Academic Highlights: Suma Cum Laude graduate Elected Alpha Omega Alpha Internship William Beaumont Hospital Dermatology Residency Henry Ford Hospital Served as Chief Resident Board Certification

Biopsy and Incision Care

Keep area covered and dry for the first 24 hours. The wound should be uncovered and washed with soap and water day following surgery. After washing, apply Vaseline or Aquaphor to the area daily until scab heals or sutures are removed. Avoid applying alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as these inhibit healing. Normal wound healing will


With skin cancer being the most common form cancer today, it is important that patients take steps to care for themselves to prevent a diagnosis or reoccurrence of skin cancer. This can be done by making healthy life choices and practicing a skin care regiment to give you healthy, beautiful skin for a lifetime. The


In the case of superficial skin cancers, an initial skin biopsy can often remove most of the skin growth. However, in most cases, further treatment may be required. Some treatment options available to treat skin cancer include: Excisional Skin Surgery- This technique is a simple procedure used to treat most skin cancers. The treatment area


The diagnosis of skin cancer begins with a full body examination by Dr. Baird. He will examine your skin to identify any unusual moles or growths. If it is suspected that any abnormal growths may be precancerous or cancerous, he will perform a biopsy. There are a couple common types of skin biopsies, which include:


Early Detection Patients should be aware of the warning signs of skin cancer, which can be represented by the “ABCDEs” of skin cancer: Asymmetry- Moles should be symmetrical in shape. If your mole is asymmetrical, it may be precancerous. Border Irregularity- If your mole’s edges are blurred, or ragged, it could be an indicator of


Patient Education At Farmington Dermatologists, we place significant importance on patient education. When you come in for your appointment, we will make sure that you fully understand your condition, and take the time to answer any questions you may have. When it comes to skin cancer, there are three common types: Squamous cell, Basal cell,

Mole Removal

What is Mole Removal? Mole removal is an effective way to completely remove unwanted or suspicious looking moles. This procedure can be done on any part of the body and remove any type of mole. This doctor was great. He let me tell him the whole story of what was going on and was able

Eczema treatment

What is Eczema Treatment? Eczema treatment is a solution to uncomfortable eczema symptoms in patients of all ages. Narrow band ultraviolet light is used to help reduce symptoms, without the side-effects of other eczema treatment options. I’ve been a patient here for about 4 years, and I couldn’t be more pleased. The staff is really

In the Media

Recent Recognition About Dr. Baird

Dr. David Baird is a board-certified dermatologist with decades of experience. He likes to take the time to share his expertise when given the opportunity. Here are a few of those “In the Media” moments.