What Do Chemical Peels Do?

Chemical peels were the third most popular type of minimally invasive cosmetic treatment in 2019. Chemical peels can correct signs of aging and damage to the skin caused by sun exposure and pollutants. Chemical peels accomplish this by exfoliating or removing the top layers of the skin with a chemical solution. This uncovers a new layer of healthy skin and boosts the skin’s natural production of collagen for a youthful, glowing look. Here’s what to know about chemical peels and how they can help your skincare goals.
The Chemical Peel Consultation
Your first step is a consultation with Dr. David Baird. During this appointment, you’ll discuss your best options for chemical peels and create the ideal treatment package for you and your skincare goals. Certain types of chemical peels may be better for you and your skin based on many different factors, so Dr. Baird will make sure you understand your options.
Types of Chemical Peels
Light Peel
Also called a superficial peel, this treatment uses concentrated forms of alpha-hydroxy acids, or AHAs, to remove the dead skin from the top layer of the skin. This option is best for surface-level concerns like dryness and texture. It comes with little downtime or aftercare, making it a great way to maintain your skin and incorporate a deeper treatment in your regular at-home skincare regimen.
Medium Peel
During a medium peel, glycolic acid or Jessner’s solution is sometimes used, which is made of salicylic acid, lactic acid derived from fermented milk, and resorcinol, which is a solvent. This solution penetrates more deeply into the skin than a light peel.
Though you might feel some stinging and irritation, medium peels can be performed using a topical anesthetic. Peeling starts about two days after your session and continues for about a week. While your skin is peeling, it’s crucial that you keep your skin hydrated and out of the sun. You’ll need to do this even after your peeling stops. If you do go outside, it’s extremely important to wear sunscreen and wear protection since your skin will be photosensitive.
Deep Peel
A deep peel is for patients who have badly damaged skin, even to the point where they have pre-malignant lesions such as actinic keratoses. The deep peel uses Baker’s phenol and trichloroacetic acid, or TCA. In order to successfully have a deep peel, you’ll need to prepare six to eight weeks in advance.
Deep peels are performed while you’re under anesthesia because the solution penetrates all the way through the epidermis and down to the dermis. This means it can effectively address things like wrinkles and scarring. After the skin heals, it’s extraordinarily smooth and radiant and you can enjoy results for years afterward. Following a deep peel, you’ll need to carefully follow some skincare steps to make sure your skin recovers and you stay healthy.
Schedule a Consultation
The best way to learn more about your best options for a chemical peel package is by meeting with Dr. Baird and our skincare team. To get started, we invite you to contact our Farmington office by calling or filling out our online form.