What to Know About Laser Hair Reduction

Shaving, waxing, and plucking just to have your hair grow right back again can be annoying and painful! If you want to reduce unwanted hair for good, it might be time to consider laser hair reduction. But before you schedule your appointment, here are some things you need to know.
It works for all skin tones
In the past, laser hair reduction was ineffective for those with darker skin tones. But with new lasers entering the market, treatment is now available to many different skin types and tones! At Farmington Dermatologists, two lasers are offered with different compatibilities. Patient’s with lighter skin can see results from the Alexandrite Laser, while those with darker skin tones can be treated with the YAG Laser.
No anesthetic is necessary
Laser hair reduction is noninvasive, requiring no anesthesia. You will have the option of having a topical numbing cream applied if you are worried about discomfort and a cooling device will be used to cool the skin during treatment.
You’ll need multiple sessions
If you want the most hair reduction possible, you’re going to need several sessions. This is partly due to the nature of hair growth. Only a certain percentage of our hair is in its growth phase at a time. Only those hairs can be treated in a session, meaning you’ll need to wait for the rest of your hair to enter its growth cycle to be treated again. Patients typically require a total of three to eight sessions for optimal reduction. Sessions will be spaced at about four to six weeks apart to allow the skin to heal and for more hair to become active.
If you’re ready to put an end to unwanted body hair, contact our office today! We can schedule your consultation with Dr. Baird to discuss your laser hair reduction options.