Laser Hair Removal in West Bloomfield, MI

What is Laser Hair Removal? Laser hair removal is a noninvasive method for reducing and/or removing unwanted body hair. Compared to traditional hair removal methods such as waxing and shaving, laser hair removal leaves skin looking smoother, and has longer-lasting results. Who is a Candidate? Individuals who have areas of unwanted body or facial hair

Rosacea Treatments in Novi

Who can Benefit from Rosacea Treatment? Rosacea can occur in almost anyone but is more common in women, those with fair skin, and those with a family history of the condition. Rosacea is not usually harmful but can lead to self-consciousness and embarrassment during flare-ups. In many cases, rosacea can also lead to bothersome eye

Rosacea Treatments in West Bloomfield

What is Rosacea? Rosacea is a skin condition that results in redness and a flushed appearance. Its appearance can often be mistaken for acne or other skin condition because it can result in small bumps on the nose and cheeks. For some, this can lead to a thickening of the skin, causing the nose to

Your Options for Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is a skin condition that comes in many different types and affects many different areas of the body. It’s a skin condition caused by the rapid multiplication of skin cells that pile up on the surface of the skin and cause a rough, scaly patch of skin that can be irritating and obvious. There

What Causes Skin Warts?

If you’ve ever had a wart on any part of your body, you’re not alone. Warts are a very common skin condition that can be stubborn, unsightly, and even painful. While they’re common, you might feel like you are more prone to them than others, and this can be frustrating if you feel like there’s

Pulsed Dye Laser for Improved Facial Pigmentation

Issues with the pigmentation of the skin can be due to a condition like rosacea, a port wine stain, scarring, or facial veins. Everyone wants to achieve an even facial complexion, but when the problem is well below the surface of the skin, treatment can be more challenging. Topical creams and superficial treatments aren’t enough,

Alopecia Treatment

If you suffer from hair loss due to alopecia, you understand that the condition not only effects your physical appearance but your emotional wellbeing too. For some, hair loss can be easily covered up, but for others, the condition is more noticeable. While there is no cure for the condition, there are treatment options available

Acne Treatments in Birmingham, MI

What is Acne? Acne is caused when the oil glands secrete grease, plugging hair follicles, or pores. When the openings are large, they turn into blackheads. If the openings are small, whiteheads may form. Both forms of plugged pores can turn into swollen pimples or deeper nodules. While teenagers and young adults typically have acne,

Acne Treatments in Northville, MI

About Acne Acne is a common condition that occurs when hair follicles get plugged up with oil and dead skin cells, resulting in blackheads, pus-filled pimples, or red, tender bumps. While this condition is most common in teenagers and young adults, it can also occur in adults. On Our Blog: Answering Your Top Questions About

Treat Your Acne with a Chemical Peel

Acne can affect any skin type at any age and can often be difficult to treat at home. If you suffer from acne or marks left from acne, you might benefit from a chemical peel. Chemical peels use a chemical solution containing one or a combination of acids to fight acne and improve the appearance

Injectable Treatment Options to Fight Aging

As you age, your skin can start to lose volume and elasticity, often resulting in facial lines and wrinkles. If you want younger looking skin without going under the knife, you might choose from several injectable treatment options. Injectables can smooth the appearance of lines and wrinkles to reverse signs of aging on the face.

Acne Treatments in Novi, MI

Acne can be a bothersome condition for many individuals. For those in the Novi, MI area, there are several acne treatment options to choose from. The right treatment for you will depend on the type of acne you have, your skin type, and your specific concerns. Extraction Manual extraction can be used to remove any

In the Media

Recent Recognition About Dr. Baird

Dr. David Baird is a board-certified dermatologist with decades of experience. He likes to take the time to share his expertise when given the opportunity. Here are a few of those “In the Media” moments.